Pat Gagnon started pumping for Cemstone in the summer of 1995. Over the years, he has acquired the skill set to operate every pump Cemstone has owned – from line pumps and placing booms to small and large boom trucks. He has pumped concrete for most Twin Cities’ contractors during his 35 years of being a pump operator. Pat has pumped concrete at several prominent construction sites – Minnesota Twins Stadium, Minnesota Vikings Stadium, the Stillwater Bridge, and several high-rise developments.
With Pat’s vast knowledge of pumping experiences, contractors – commercial, civil, and residential – will contact Pat for assistance with job site issues, mix designs/pumping issues, and pre-pour meetings to size up the job with the correct piece of equipment and approach. Pat has an outstanding safety record as a pump operator and carries this approach/attitude both to his pre-pour meetings with customers to his mentoring of new pump operators.